Thanks Readers for your overwhelming support, I will continue to post more useful resources which can bring lot of good things to your career. I received mails asking for more ANSYS Tutorials especially the video tutorials. Let me tell you one thing as I said earlier my concentration is to bring more video Tutorials on all CAD/CAE segments. But the fact is,its not that easy to find such tutorials all time. There are other way of learning software's, one such thing is Web Learning.
The user may not be able to download PDF or Text Document here rather they can click on the link given in the website and follow the instructions for learning software tools. I would say this is also very effective way of exploring the software. The site what we are going to see today is Carnegie Mellon FEM/ANSYS Web tutorial,Self-paced learning on the Web for FEM/ANSYS.
you will learn: (1) what Finite Element Method (FEM) is, (2) how to model engineering analysis problems using FEM, and (3) how to use a commercial FEM package, ANSYS. This is an easy and effective way for you to learn an essential computational skill not directly covered in the regular required courses, but useful in your future career in industry.This Web tutor is a part of the "self-paced learning on the Web" initiative of the Mechanical Engineering Department at Carnegie Mellon University.
Before using ANSYS, You must know the concept of FEM/FEA. The web references and links are given here to know FEM basics. Then the next step is how does ANSYS works what are steps involved that is also explained in easy manner.
A set of problems given for each field like Structural (3D structure and Truss),Heat Energy Transfer(HeatSink,Composite Wall), Fluid Mechanics (Airfoil,Muffler,Car),Vibration(Turbine Blade,Airplane Wing) etc., For all these problems step-by-step instructions are given captured pictures wherever necessary so that really helps the users to complete the problem.
Once you get to know the software well, you can test your confidence level by taking test problems here. In this section problems are given for all categories said above. Problem Description and goal of the problem is given, all you have to do is solve the problem and check your result with the given one here. Despite all this still if have doubt you can seek instructors help of Carnegie Mellon University.
Hope this would certainly help you people lot. Keep surfing.
To Learn ANSYS : Click here..
For Test Problems : Click here..
Courtesy : andrew.cmu
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