Engineering simulation is one of the important aspect in the product development area. This has been recognized by the industry as well as software maker. You can see for yourself,we are living in a era where almost every Engineering system can be simulated in a virtual condition. This help Engineers to understand the response of the product in the real environment before they make the one.
Lets see one of such software in thermal engineering, Prode thermo physical properties generator.
This tiny software provides a comprehensive collection of procedures for calculating thermodynamic properties. There are about 1000 streams and up to 500 components per stream, databank with data for about 1000 chemicals available. Interlinking with MS excel,Microsoft VB,C,C++ is easy.
This software allows user to calculate the properties of pure fluid or a mixture, solve two phase like vapour-liquid, three phases(vapour-liquid-solid) separations, output of phase envelopes,phase diagrams,calculate heating/cooling curves etc.,
Prode properties does all this for you without any hassle.
Typical applications include:
- Properties of pure fluid and mixtures
- Thermodynamics,physical,thermophysical properties
- Process simulation
- Heat/material balance
- Process control
- Process optimization
- Equipment design
- Realtime applications
- Petroleum,refining,natural gas,hydrocarbon,chemical,petrochemical,pharmaceutical,air conditioning,energy,mechanical industry.
Easy integration and control with MSoffice tools like properties of pure fluids and mixtures in excel,multiphase equilibrium in excel,phase envelope in excel,Dew,bubble point in excel and much more.
Download Prode Thermal simulation software for free. Don't hesitate to look at other Engineering simulation software in my previous article